Tag Archive | whiteSD

2 weeks later…

A lot has happened since I last posted. Been working very hard to ignore all those annoying emails from CL, thankfully they have reduced. Good news, I got my first white man. I was super excited, never been with one before. Until, sadly, I saw on the news about a student who had been murdered…I’ll talk about that afterwards.

So, I’ll just go with his initial, M. He’s 49yrs, single, currently posted in Nairobi,  for work. We met on CL, I replied to his post and since then the conversation has been flowing. I met him last Fri for dinner which could not at all have gone any better. I have to admit I was totally nervous but he made me comfortable, cracking a few jokes here and there, and at the end of the night i was feeling bad parting ways, though I didn’t wan to go to his place just yet. Anyway we got to agree on the terms of the arrangement, although he’s in and out of the country a lot, meaning he could be gone for a month or two. I have to still keep on the sugar search to cover for such situations. I must have appeared a bit unsure of myself because he suggested I take time to figure out if I want to keep him as my SD or not. I do like him as a friend, that’s really important to me and he’s smart and warm. We should be meeting next week, if he won’t be flying out.

About the trip with Mr. Random, that’s happening this week, actually from tomorrow. And I haven’t packed! It’s been a crazy Tuesday for me but I’ll do so in an hour. We’ll be spending two nights together at the coast, and not have sex. I hope I’ll be able to stand firm on my ground, ha ha (ts been a while since…) Oh God! Help me! Despite all, I can’t wait for tomorrow.

The student who was murdered, you can read it here. So sad. For a brief moment it had me doubting about being with M but I figured it’s all about your sense of judgement, trusting your instincts, and so on.. It’s really important to also know when to walk out or run away from an arrangement. Your safety and well-being is very essential.

My normal life as a student cum attache has been busy, as usual. Cant wait for the holiday in about 3 weeks. Luckily for me my boss doesn’t keep up with my everyday schedule so I didn’t need to send an email requesting for leave for the next three days, as long as I finish all my tasks before the set deadlines. And I think my boss is kind of hitting on me. Lately, he’s been a bit too suggestive though I chose to ignore that. I have no test scheduled, so I’m also in the clear on school matters. I’m back on Friday evening and somehow I got to attend my friend’s party, can’t afford to miss it.

Better days ahead!!